Thursday, September 20, 2012


I find a mouse wonderful. They are small and can fit in tiny cracks and crevices, and they are fast. Their limits are only the places in which they cant fit or if they are in danger. Wonder to me is anything that amazes me. If I were six I would have an essay about Disney. Disney always amazed me especially when I would go to Walt Disney World in Florida. I think the capability of imagination varies with per person. I’m still known to have a huge imagination. Most people as they get older might get more realistic than imaginative. I think wonder expands the concepts of your imagination. In my experience when I imagine something I wonder how I can put it into reality.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kenyon Speech

The Kenyon Commencement Address is a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace. He said this speech to the graduating class of 2005 at Kenyon College. This speech is about the world and how we interact within it. Like the analogy he used in the speech we are like fish that don’t notice the water around us.
In our lives we are faced with choices. These choices affect us and the people around us. As we grow up we will get accustomed to the repetitive life of an adult. We sometimes must stop and think about what is happened around us. If someone is speeding you must think of the situation they are in. They could be in a rush to the hospital because someone is dying. The lady at the cash register might be working slowly because she is having a hard time at home and might be tired. You must choose to open up and try to understand others.
Originally I wouldn’t have look at someone and tried to understand his or her situation, but now it seems right to do so. Instead of sitting there and complaining about everything in life I could look at it through someone else’s eyes. Everyone has something that they might be dealing with, they just express it in actions instead of words. I hope to accept this new view of life and hopefully it will help me.
People clap at those points in the speech because they might agree with him. They have someone telling them about this new perspective on life. It opened their eyes to what they should be doing or how to understand life. They could also be clapping because they have a false interpretation of what he is saying. He used a lot of irony, which could have gone over some people’s heads.
David Foster Wallace’s speech was an eye opener. It changed the life of the students that were listening to him. It led them to revaluate their lives. Your life is more complex than it seems because it ties in with other people’s lives. You have to put yourself in their shoes to understand their actions.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Caligula is a man who lost someone he loved. He is also searching for some happiness in his life. The patricians are saying that Caligula is acting childish. He has not let go of someone who is dead. One patrician lost his wife and got over it, and he believes Caligula should do the same. I don’t agree with the patrician I would never be about to get over someone so quickly. I was sad for months when my great grandfather and uncle died. I needed to find happiness but it was hard to find and they died during crucial moments in my life. My great grandfather died near Thanksgiving and my uncle died a couple of weeks after Christmas. To Caligula finding complete happiness and getting what you want is as hard as trying to catch the moon.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Towel

This blog is a description of my towel. My towel is green soft and large. It is made of 100% cotton in India. The cotton is woven so it makes small loops, but the edges are flat. It collects water and is used to dry wet things off. I use it when I get out of the shower so I can dry myself off. Towels could also be used as the beach so you can lie down without you getting sand on yourself. My towel is versatile.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Happiness is a feeling of joy. Some of my happiness comes through my relationships with others. I have a great family and friends who have been put into my life. I usually like going out with friends or family rather than being home alone. I’m happier being around people than being alone. I’m happy when I go to school because that is where my friends are. When we are not in school we are separate and we can barely hang out because we live in many places across the state of Maryland and D.C. School is the commonplace where we can meet and sometimes hangout after the school day ends.
I hope to be happy in the future even though I will start dealing with the stresses of being an adult. I hope to receive this happiness in the future from my career, friends and family. I will have to work to pay for living expenses for the rest of my life so I should love or feel happy with my job and if I don’t love my job or feel happy with what I am doing what is the point of working there. With being happy with your job, you must also have great coworkers. These people can make or break your job experience. They could be the reason you quit or stay.   
I hope to have a great wife whom I will love and feel happy with, and that we will have a great family together. I don’t want my marriage to end in a divorce, so I hope to find the person I feel happy with the first time. Plus if I go through a divorce and I have kids I could be destroying their happiness, which I would hate to do. Knowing that my future kids are happy would make me feel happier.
I want to change the world in the future and me succeeding in that would make me feel like the happiest man in the world. I would find happiness in a world where there is little to no sickness. People don’t have to suffer because we would have medicine to ease pain or cure illnesses. A world filled with peace and no war would probably create happiness for all. Violence scares people and leads people away from being happy. If I could walk through the most violent part of America without having a fear for my life I would be happy.
I believe life should be filled with happiness and everyone should be happy. It has been said that it is health to be happy and it is easier for your body to smile than frown. I also tend to feed off of other people’s happiness, so if others are happy I feel happy also. I myself hope to live a happy life and die a happy man.

Monday, September 3, 2012

About Me

Hello my name is Tyrus. I have created this blog as a homework assignment for school. In this first post I will tell you a little about myself. I am an African American male.  I am a senior in high school and I am preparing for college. I am a very nice person and I have a large imagination.
To me love is very valuable in life. We were created out of love and in my view of life we live to love and be loved in return. I think the world would be so much better if there was more love in it. I think that’s why people go on these killing sprees. For example, the killers in the Columbine shooting were bullied. If they were accepted and loved by their peers this shooting probably wouldn’t have happened.
I practice Christianity and I am Baptist. Religion is very important to me especially during this transitional period in my life. I think God is a friend, mentor and helper. It’s like that poem “Footprints.” God walks with me and if I am in a rough spot in life he won’t leave me, he will carry me. 
Like I said earlier I am an African American male. I enjoy history and the history of African American is a long and interesting topic. We as a people have gone through hard times but we have always looked for the light at the end of the tunnel. We have hope in a better tomorrow. This history has shaped me because I have grown on the foundation that my ancestors have laid for me. This history has also lead me to make the future better for my children.
In life I hope for a lot. I’m a dreamer and I have a great imagination. I first want to go to Yale University. Next, I want to change the medical world by curing cancer, and various other types of diseases. I also hope to become President of The United States. Hopefully I can bring the world one step closer to peace and prosperity. I know its a lot to hope for but that’s just who I am.