Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Islam Webquest

Task 1
What is the highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world?
1.     There is about 2.1 billion Muslims in the world today.
   List 10 coutries whose Mulsim population is over 86%.
2.     Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Algeria, Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco, and Somalia are 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or more.
   What country has the largest Muslim population?
3.     Morocco has the largest Muslim population.
  How many Muslims are in the U.S?
4.     2,595,000 Muslims are in the United States.

Task 2
Summarize the Key Beliefs
1.     Belief in God is that there is one true God. He has no partner or son. There is nobody comparable to him, and he should be worshipped.
2.     Belief in the Angels is that angels worship, obey and act by God’s command. They are honored creatures.
3.     Belief in God’s Revealed Books are the books God revealed to mankind as guidance for them.
4.     Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of God means that Muslims believe in the people who came and preached about God before Muhammad.
5.     Belief in the Day of Judgment can also be called the Day of Resurrection. It is when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment.
6.     Belief in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination. It is the belief that humans have freewill and they can choose right from wrong. Along with this belief is the belief in four things. They are that God knows everything , he has recorded all that has and will happen, whatever God wills to happen will happen and whatever he doesn’t will to happen won’t happen. The final belief is that God is the Creator of Everything.

1.     The greatest jihad is the one who fights against himself for Allah.
2.     The Qur’an gives us truth a shows us the right path.
3.     There is one God and all of life goes to him for help. He cannot be reproduced or nor does he reproduce. He is the one and only.

Task 3
What does the Quran provide?
1.     The Quran provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct and an equitable economic system.
What language does the Quran exist? Why?
2.     The Quran exist in Arabic because it was revealed in Arabic.
During which month was the Quran sent down?
3.     The ninth month or the month of Ramadan
What did the angel Gabriel commmand Muhammad to do? What happened next?
4.     He commanded him to read and Muhammad was taught verses from the Quran.

Task 4
List/ Explain 5 Pillars of Faith
1.     Shahada is the testimony of faith.   Salat is prayer which a Muslim is suppose to do five times daily facing Mecca.  Zakat is charitable giving used to benefit the poor.  Siyam is ritual fasting especially during the month of Ramadan.  Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca during the last month of the Islamic calendar.
Why are they important?
2.     They are used to strengthen a Muslims faith in and service to Allah.
Why is cheating on the Pillars impossible?
3.     Cheating is impossible because it is the official religious laws of Islam.
Compare 5 Pillar to other religions
4.     The 5 Pillars are similar to all the rules that Jews uphold in their religion. They show their faith an connection to God.

Task 5
What is Ramadan?
1.     Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast during daylight hours.
What restrains are placed during Ramadan?
2.     Muslims who are able must abstain from evil thoughts and deeds, food and drink, and sexual intercourse during daylight hours.
What can destroy good acquired during Ramadan?
3.     Telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, a false oath, greed or covetousness can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan.
Why is the 27th day important?
4.     It is the celebration of  the Night of Power. This event is believe to have been when Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Quran.
What happens when Ramadan ends?
5.     The feast of the Fast Breaking is celebrated. Gifts are exchanged and friends and family gather to pray.
Three reasons Ramadan is important?
6.     The three reasons that Ramadan is important is because the Quran was revealed during this month, the gates of Heaven are open, and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up in Hell.
Why is it easier to do good during Ramadan?
7.     The month has been blessed by Allah.

Task 6
List 5 interesting facts
1.     The Quran considers Jews and Christians people of the Book and fellow recipients of God’s instructions via the angels and prophets.
2.     The Sunna is the practice and example of the Prophet, and is the second authority for Muslims.
3.     Family is the foundation of Islamic society.
4.      The two main subgroups of Muslims are Sunni and Shi’a.
5.     Islam is a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness.

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