Sunday, March 10, 2013

Judaism Questions

1.     The three functions of a synagogue are a House of Assembly, a House of Study, and a House of Prayer.
2.     Synagogues either have a curtain or divider called a mehitzah or an upstairs balcony to separate the men from the women. On the eastern wall is where you will find the ark. The ark is where the Torah scrolls are stored when not in use. They are decorated in many ways and are have many different shapes and sizes. The Torah scrolls are covered by cloth mantles. They are handwritten by a trained scribe on parchment made from a kosher animal. It must be written with no mistakes, the letters must be clear and the writing should not be faded. If there is a problem with the Torah it cannot be used until a scribe corrects it. The Ten Commandments are in the Torah.
3.     A rabbi is a teacher of Judaism qualified to render decisions in Jewish law. To become a rabbi is a long process. You have to go to college, know Hebrew and spend a year in Israel, graduate and start as an intern and have a small congregation. A rabbi is a clergyman in the since that he is a religious figure in the Jewish church. Rabbis are the spiritual leaders and teachers of the Law.
4.     The Shabbat is a day of joy where the Jews can set aside weekday concerns and devote themselves to higher pursuits. It is consider a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The Jewish Shabbat day is Saturday but it begins at sunset Friday until nightfall on Saturday.
5.     The Torah is the Old Testament in the eyes of a Christian, but the Torah could also be considered the five books of Moses. The Talmud is the Oral Torah. It is a tradition explaining what the scriptures mean and how to interpret them and apply the Laws.
6.     Orthodox: These Jews follow Jewish law exactly how it is laid down in the Torah and Talmud. They believe God gave Moses the whole Torah on Mt. Sinai and that it had not changed.                                                                                                              Reform: They believe that the Torah is valuable culturally and philosophically, but was not delivery by God all at once. Instead it was developed over centuries. They believe Judaism must continue to evolve and that each individual is free to decide what to believe. Worship services are said in contemporary languages instead of Hebrew.                                                 Conservative: This movement came from tension between the Orthodox and Reform Jews. They believe that the sacred Jewish writings did come from God, but humans also were apart of it. They also believe Jewish law must adapt and be obeyed.                                                                                                                Zionist: Are the people that are apart of the secular movement that called for Jews to resettle in their homeland, which was then called Palestine.    
7.     Hebrew is a member of the Canaanite group of Semitic languages. It was the language of the early Jews
8.     Yiddish was the primary language of Ashkenazic Jews. It is found throughout eastern and central Europe. It is one of the Germanic languages and is written in Hebrew characters.
9.     Mazal Tov- Congratulations;  Shalom- Hello, Peace, Goodbye;  Mitzvah- commandment or any good deed
10. Brit Milah: it is the ceremony of circumcision. On the eighth day of a boy’s life he is circumcised fulfilling the covenant with Abraham.                                            Bar/Bat Mitzvah: It is a coming of age ceremony when a child reaches the age of legal majority in the Jewish community. They have full responsibility for their deeds and upholding the commandments.                                                            Jewish Marriage: God pairing people. Marriage is considered natural and desirable because it provides companionship and security.
11. Rosh Hoshanah: it is known as the Jewish New Year                                                     Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement, or a day to atone for the sins of the past year       Hanukah: eighth day festival of rededication, or the festival of lights                   Passover: it represents the beginning of the harvest season in Israel and is also related to the Jews exodus from Egypt
12. The coming of age ceremony is called a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
13. There are many different branches of Judaism.
14. I was circumcised when I was a baby.
15. Everyone can have and touch the Holy Bible. And it isn’t stored inside an ark.

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