Sunday, December 16, 2012


Introductory Unit
            Heart- the analogy for us not being the origin of ourselves
            X and the Arrows- The x is the mystery; the horizontal arrow is human history; the arrows going up are different religions trying to reach the mystery; the arrow coming down is the mystery coming to us or Jesus
            Being- a collection of needs inexorable and insatiable
            Reality- the state of existing
            4 Truths of The “I”- didn’t make myself; abilities are limited; have desires; expect to be happy (all the time)
            Religious sense- a characteristic feature of being human, which is expressed in certain questions having to do with the meaning and purpose of life
            Ontology- the philosophy of being

Anointing of The Sick
            Original Sin- the sin that caused the Fall and all of us are born with
            Oil of The Sick- Oil that is blessed and used to anoint the sick
            Church- the body of Christ
            Society of Jesus- a religious order created by St. Ignatius of Loyola
            Theodicy- the justification of God
            Stations of the Cross- the 14 events that represent the Passion of Christ
            Suffering- a state of pain or agony

            Penance- an act performed to show sorrow or repentance
            Mortal Sin- sin that deprives the soul of sanctifying grace
            Venial Sin- slight sins that injure our relationship
            Ten Commandments- the ten rules that God gave us in the Old Testament
            Schism- a division or disunion because of a doctrinal difference
            Heresy- a doctrine that goes against the accepted doctrine of the Church
            Empathy- understanding someone else’s situation and feelings

            Fidelity- faithfulness
            Abortion- termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo
            Annulment- finding by the Church on the day that vows were exchanged that some element for valid marriage was lacking in one or both parties involved
            Adultery- carnal connection between a married person and someone who is not their spouse
            Polygamy- having more that one wife
            Contraception- any outside action that stops you from procreating when having of sexual intercourse
            Divorce- a grave offense against natural law; breaks the vow made in marriage “until death do us part.”; legally end a marriage

Holy Orders
            Diocese- territory or churches subject to jurisdiction of a bishop
            Vicar- the representative of a person in the Church
            Infallibility- immunity from error
            Parish- part of a diocese that is under the care of a priest
            Celibacy-renunciation of marriage and sex
            Cardinal- dignitary of the Church and a counselor of the pope
            Clergy- the group of ordained people in a religion

            Proper Matter- Water
            Correct Form/Words-Immersion or poured water 3 times; “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”
            Designated Minister- Bishop, Priest, or Deacon
            Biblical Basis- Jesus getting baptized in the Jordan
            Baptismal Candle- candle given to you at your baptism; lit on anniversary of baptism, marriage, and death
            White Garment- shows that you are cleansed of Original Sin
            Effects of Baptism- washes away Original Sin, Makes us children of God and temples of the Holy Spirit, marks us forever as sharers in the believers and in Christ mission of justice and peace

            Proper Matter- Chrism (oil)
            Correct Form/Words- laying of hands and anointing with Chrism on forehead; “(name) be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
            Designated Minister- Bishop
            Holy Spirit- the third person of the Trinity
            Biblical Basis- the dove comes down and lands on Jesus
            Pentecost- Birthday of the Church; when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles
            Effects- allows you to belong to Christ, receive the Holy Spirit and fight sin and Satan

            Definition- to give thanks
            Transubstantiation- the substance of bread and wine is transferred to Jesus
            Biblical Basis- The Last Supper
            Proper Matter- bread and wine
            Consecration- an act in which a thing is separated from its common use to a sacred one
            Other Names- Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Breaking of the Bread, and Holy Sacrifice
            Corpus Christi- the body of Christ (Church)

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