The Divine Sense of Humor is first who we look at life.
Others see things for the way it is. Others will see things and see that it has
a deeper meaning to it. A person with the divine sense of humor understands the
literal and spiritual meaning of things. One example he used was the equation
E=MC2. This could be seen as the literal letters or could be seen and
the letters standing for something else. Another example is the brazen serpent.
God was life this serpent as he was put on a tree and a man without sin was
looked to have sin to save others from sin. This is the divine sense of humor
to an imminent degree. When Jesus talked about destroying the temple and rebuilding
it in three days he was using the divine sense of humor. Jesus was calling
himself the new temple as it related to His death and resurrection three days
later. There are two Greek words that stand for temple Hieron and Naos. Naos
loosely means the holy of holies, which was the area that only the priest could
go to. It was in this area where God was present. Jesus would become the new
holy of holies. Jesus’ human nature was the flesh in which divinity was shown.
The life of Jesus was a sacrament and because of this it was
filled with signs and symbols. Jesus himself was a sign of his Father and made
Him present in the world. Jesus was also a symbol because He was semantic to
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